Wedding Ceremony in Luzern

Relishing Every Word and Every Feeling

Why we chose you

After looking at several different options, we first got in contact with you because you checked our most important boxes – you spoke all of the languages (and explicitly mentioned that this was part of your service) for our international wedding ceremony in Luzern and the vibe that we got from your website felt right.

After our first meeting, we chose you because you were transparent. You gave us detailed information about your process and your approach and what you expected from us, and what we would get in return. You listened, and we felt like you were doing something for us and not for yourself (even if it was clear that you enjoyed what you did). You seemed serious about your job and the task. It was clear that you were passionate about what you do and that you had expertise, experience, and a healthy dose of perfectionism.

When we chose you, we were focused on the ceremony and on creating and having a memorable moment. In hindsight, we are so happy with that choice because of course that box was ticked, but we also got so much more from our work together.


The preps

Your guidance was great. We are extremely satisfied. You gave us all of the tools to have a successful celebration and to be able to enjoy it the day of. We knew we could contact you at any time if we needed you.

In particular, from the second meeting onward, we knew we could totally leave you to it. It was incredibly freeing to not have to worry or think of the ceremony. You showed us that we could trust you completely and that everything would be taken care of.

The moment that was most emotionally charged was, for both of us, when you revealed the name you envisioned for our ceremony and the overview with the rituals. We really felt that you had ‘seen’ us and captured the essence of our bond, and we did not expect that level of personalization. Especially for Valerio, as he thought he had been timid about sharing. You snuck into our world through the side door and we had no idea until that moment. 🙂


Our ceremony

The ceremony exceeded our expectations.
We felt so much love.
Rhiana: I felt like I was in a bubble of love and happiness.
Valerio: I felt calm. “Elle a géré”.
You coordinated, prepared, and dealt with EVERYTHING. The guests /Valerio’s brothers who arrived late – making sure they didn’t interrupt the ceremony, even when they could have ‘slipped in unnoticed’ during the collective ritual. It was perfect like this and we are so grateful that you didn’t interrupt that moment and protected us.

We felt like we were in the center, but we were gently guided through the ceremony, so we didn’t have to think about what was coming next. You know us. You knew what we would need in that moment and you made sure we had it.

It wasn’t too cheesy (as we wished)! The ceremony recounted our story accurately/faithfully, and there was something interesting in it for everyone – from those who know us only from a distance to those who know us best and have known us the longest (including ourselves!). It was genuine, humourful, and accessible. Even Jacques made an appearance!

Everything came together with the different rituals. It was truly fluid and natural. We didn’t expect everyone to play the game so well with the ribbons. This is such a beautiful reminder to have at home – we have kept them, along with our handfasting ribbons, in a vase in our dining room.

The key goal of ‘inviting people into our own better world’ was completely met. We heard from so many different people that they felt like they had been invited into our life, and into our home.

The balance of languages was perfect. Nobody noticed or had any perception of language as having been a barrier.
The german passages weren’t just a direct repetition of the English. Bilingual guests especially appreciated this. In general, the balance of translating vs not losing the audience.
People shared that they thought it was incredible. Personal, meaningful.
“I had never heard of a “humanist celebrant” before. You brought all of the traditional elements but made something of your own. “
“We were just saying what a perfect wedding you created. It’ll be great hearing people’s memories of it over the years”
“We felt honoured that we could be there on your special day”
“It was amazing to watch you two get married, such a beautiful moment”
“It was so much better than anything we could have expected.”
“I honestly had one of the best weekends of my entire life”
“It was so nice that we all got to be ‘chez vous'”.


Impact of this marriage preparation

Valerio: If I hadn’t had all of the marriage preparation, I would have looked at the wedding as a milestone, and would have only looked to the future. With the marriage preparation, it solidified everything that we have been through over the past decade. It became a celebration of the past.

Rhiana: I felt immensely more grounded and calm. I knew I could completely trust you and didn’t have to worry, think, or busy myself with the preparation of the ceremony in any way, and that it would be perfect anyway. Your guidance and our work together allowed me to focus on feeling excitement in anticipation of the big day, and simply enjoying the moment – relishing every word and every feeling – on the day itself.

Both – We felt gratefulness toward one another. Our marriage preparation made us more conscious of everything we’ve been through together and that made us even more appreciative toward each other.


What our collaboration has brought us most

The preparation. We would not have gotten this with anyone else and it was something that was so beneficial. It gave us peace of mind, time and space and guidance to reflect, and gifted us time together.

We couldn’t have imagined this process beforehand but it was exactly what we needed.

Thank you, Marylin, from the entirety of our hearts. Thank you for bringing us closer together during what would otherwise have been pure project management and planning, thank you for gifting us sweet moments, thank you for helping us see the extent of the love and support we have for each other and in our community. Thank you for helping us share this with them.


Who we recommend your guidance to

Couples who are serious. They have to be open for the journey, ready to be reflective and take the time. Couples have to be serious about each other and have a story to share.

If there is no emotional bond and they just want to have a great day, they will not benefit from or enjoy the process.

The thing about this process is that you have to be ready to embrace every part of your couple – from the deeply loving to your flaws. If you are not ready to look at your own flaws or reflect on your points of improvement in your relationship, this journey will not lead to a happy day, or marriage!


symbolic ceremony in Luzern

Photo credit: Aigal Weddings

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