rôle officiant de cérémonie laïque

The Role of the Officiant of a Secular Ceremony

Officiant. Since I don’t think this term means much at all, even though it is the one that is mainly used to talk about this profession, I’d rather focus on my role. And what it means to me.

 Three years in, here is how I see and live my job:


Officiant of secular ceremonies, a multi-faceted job

As it is still relatively new, the role of the professional officiant of a secular ceremony may seem fairly vague or abstract. And it makes sense, there are as many officiants as there are ways to perform this job. The approach may significantly vary from one professional to the next. And then, some people have never attended a secular ceremony. It’s only natural that it should seem confusing at this point.


Beyond officiating

What most people first picture, when they think of the role of the officiant of a secular ceremony, is the person with a microphone leading the ceremony. That’s what I actually do, as an officiant, on the big day.

Beyond feeling my speech and making you feel it, I play the role of the conductor of an orchestra.

By coordinating the key moments, the participants, the newlyweds for their vows, the rituals, etc. And above all by capturing the attention of the audience, by handling the moments when emotion has run too high, by leading the ceremony so that it’s perfectly timed, with a tone that fits the style of the newlyweds.

But this role on the big day is only the end result. It’s the cherry on top, but someone had to bake the cake first. And that’s the intensive planning before the big day.


officiant secular ceremony
© Gabriela Oswald, Aria Snaps, Lilirose Productions

The preparations

Since secular ceremonies are created from scratch, time is a necessary component. Time is necessary to organize an event with which you can identify. Whether it’s the style, the outline, the content, the symbolism, the theme, etc. There are as many couples as there are types of celebrations! And that’s what makes the journey so exciting…

Preparations are essential for a secular ceremony. My work is 100% tailored to each couple I officiate for. This is why I give my all in the coaching I offer my couples. That’s how I can tell your most beautiful story.

These preparations will help us know each other and grow together to create this exhilarating moment. Through the relationship we build together, you will feel perfectly comfortable on the big day.

Another advantage of the wedding preparations is that you will be able to focus on what is most important for this ceremony to succeed: your couple. When you plan a wedding, it’s easy to get swept up by all the logistics and organization of it.

Through our conversations, you will treat yourself with intimate moments amidst all this frenzy. And thanks to that, you will focus on the meaning of your commitment.

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