A while ago, I talked about possible seating charts for a secular wedding ceremony. And of course, you can use chairs for guests and newlyweds alike, but there are more original alternatives to chairs, and they may even fit your theme better. 

Here is my selection:



It may not be completely outside the box, but it’s still a nice solution when you need to save space, or if you’ve having a outdoor wedding.

original seats bench secular ceremony

Tree trunks

Tree trunks would fit a wedding with a nature or forest theme perfectly. You could customize them with flowers to add a lovely touch of color.


tree trunk seat secular ceremony
© One Tree Life

Wooden boards

You can set them up on tree trunks to create one-of-a-kind benches.


wooden boards secular ceremony original seat
© Gabriel Ryan Photographers


For a vintage secular ceremony, you might want to consider using old flecked armchairs found in flea markets!


original armchairs secual ceremony seat
© Ryan Ray Photography


In the same style as the armchairs, big and old multicolored sofas.


sofa secular ceremony celebration seat
© Patina

Mismatched chairs

Mixing up old wooden chairs can give a very nice look!


mismatched chairs secular ceremony original seats
© Taylor Lord

mismatched chairs wedding day ceremony
© Lara Hotz

Hay bales

For a rustic ceremony. You can cover them up with some fabric or lovely blankets for added comfort.


hay bales secular ceremony seats
© Michelle Boyd


Whether plain color or multicolored, ottomans will bring a very modern flair to the ceremony.

ottoman secular ceremony seats


On the ground, for a very relaxed ceremony.


original seats blankets secular ceremony
© Sibling Photography


In much the same style as before, pillows on the ground or on a blanket. Even nicer if the ceremony takes place in the sand.


original seats secular ceremony pillows
© Glow

What about the newlyweds?

For the newlyweds’ posterior, every idea we just mentioned can be a great fit. Even more fun: a swing or a porch swing.


newlyweds secular ceremony original seats porch swing
© Lizelle Lotter Photography

secular ceremony original seat swing
© Aleksandra Schutz