5 Reasons to Have a Fall Wedding
Peak wedding season is coming to an end, and fall is right around the corner with its gorgeous colors. Why not celebrate your union, and especially your secular ceremony, in the fall?
A while ago, I gave you 5 good reasons to have a winter wedding.
Today, I give you 5 new reasons to have a fall wedding.
1. More freedom on a fall wedding
You will have your pick of the litter. Dates, venues or vendors, everything is more likely to be wide open. Your top choices won’t be as unavailable as they would in summer where everyone wants to get married. You could have the venue and contractors of your dreams, and more time to think about it and not make rushed decisions.
2. Availability of guests and vendors
Summer holiday is over, school has started and odds are people you invited will be available. So will the vendors: after the end of peak wedding season, they will be all yours. A most-welcome bonus for your pictures: lights in the fall are amazing and your photographer will do wonders.
3. No fuss if the ceremony is indoors
When you’re planning a summer wedding, you can feel a sharp stab of disappointment if you need to fall back on your plan B because of the rain. In the fall, you know what to expect and you definitely have to consider an indoor ceremony, especially from October onwards. At least, there is no bad surprise. And on the big day, if the sun shines brightly, even better, but your ceremony won’t need it to be perfect. It’s hassle-free (and a scorching weather is not always the best option either).
4. Beautiful decoration on a budget
With a fall wedding, you can easily think of many simple but beautiful decoration ideas. As we pointed out, the odds are your wedding will be indoors so you might go with a nature-related theme: leaves and tree branches picked up in the forest, wood, candles, carpets… You won’t need to spend an arm to decorate your wedding venue with taste. Plus, there are a lot of things you can even do yourself.
If the weather is nice enough for an outdoor wedding, no need for fancy decorations: the light, the nature and the shimmering colors of the fall are at their very best. Your photos will be unique and shot in one of the best lights of the year!
5. Out-of-the-box thinking
By choosing to have a secular wedding, you have chosen the path of originality. With a fall wedding, you will stand out even further and pique your guests’ curiosity. While you’re at it, you might just go all in!
Here are a few beautiful visual ideas on my Pinterest.